Last week we tweeted a few statistics concerning Facebook’s user base as a percentage of the Irish population. Now Edelman, a PR company operating in Ireland, has released this infographic confirming that almost 44% of the Irish population are on Facebook.
By mid-August, 2,014,100 people in the Republic of Ireland had a Facebook account. Preliminary 2011 Census data shows that the Irish population now stands at 4,581,269, 44% of which have created a Facebook account.
Perhaps more interestingly, Facebook users in Ireland more than doubled in the past two years, up from 131,600 in October 2007, 400,980 in January 2009 and 905,980 in August 2009.

52.3% of Irish Facebook users are women, 45.8% are men, while 39,000 would prefer not to say. The largest Irish age group on Facebook is 25-34 year olds, followed by 18-24 year olds. Together, both age groups account for more than half of Facebook’s Irish users.
Obviously Dublin has the largest concentration of Facebook users, followed in order by Cork, Limerick, Galway, Waterford, Sligo, Mullingar and Wexford. The most popular Irish brand by far on Facebook is Baileys with 1,174,168 page Likes.