If ever you were in doubt of Android’s dominance over the smartphone market, then study this infographic.
First purchased by Google in 2005, unveiled in 2007 and the first Android-powered handset going to market towards the end of 2008, Android OS now dominates the market with 500 million devices activated to date. Compare this to Apple’s 410 million device activations to date.
1.3 million Android devices are activated every day. To put this into perspective McDonalds sell 17 Big Macs every second – 15 Android devices are activated every second.
The Android-powered Samsung Galaxy S3 is the single most popular smartphone on the market today, outselling the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5.
Android is also closing the gap on the Apple-dominated tablet market. In Q2 2012 Apple held 65.5% of the tablet market compared to Android’s 29.2%. By Q3, Apple’s lead fell to 50.4% compared to Android’s 41.3%.
This infographic, published by MBAOnline.com, explains further.