Facebook will reach one billion users next month according to official figures published by the social network and a growth trajectory based on these.
In April, Facebook posted pre-IPO numbers of 901 million monthly active users. Facebook define a monthly active user as someone who has logged onto the service in the last 30 days. At present, it is estimated that Facebook has in excess of 950 million monthly active users.
In January we reported that, based on analysis from iCrossing, Facebook would reach one billion users by August. Since then their extrapolation of Facebook’s growth rate has proved very accurate, leaving us to assume that Facebook’s active user base will indeed reach the one billion milestone by that date.
Of Facebook’s current user base, 80% of these live outside of North America. Growth has stagnated in early adopting countries like the United Kingdom and the United States, but has accelerated in developing countries like Brazil and India.
From official Facebook figures concerning March 2012, we also know that Facebook has 526 million daily active users, and more than half of Facebook’s monthly active users come from mobile.
Each day Facebook users upload more than 300 million photos and generate an average of 3.2 billion Likes and comments.
In other news of or relating to one billion, China has over one billion mobile subscribers, one billion hours of content was streamed on Netflix last month, and we’ll probably have around one billion smartphone users worldwide by 2016.
@darrenmccarra Of course that includes my dog’s account.
@openpostcode One billion does make you paws for thought though
@psycrow 1/7th of the world’s population is a bit crazy alright!
@darrenmccarra a long as my mother stays off it I’m happy
@psycrow Only a matter of time
@psycrow @darrenmccarra she came up in my suggested friends.. Too late Si. http://t.co/V81PbZC1
@peterfbrennan @darrenmccarra gas! Highly doubt she made it on to that more than once
@psycrow @peterfbrennan Friending her would be the polite thing to do!
@darrenmccarra @peterfbrennan haha balls to that
@psycrow @darrenmccarra He doesn’t even follow her on twitter! Only me and Eleanor follow her!
@peterfbrennan @darrenmccarra would only drag down my klout
@psycrow @peterfbrennan Klout is more important than street credit
@Ginaschreck maybe they’ll celebrate with a useable iPhone app!
soooooooooon …
@JD_Dillon AMEN to that! #RealMobileFBApp
@Ginaschreck are they giving all those kids in Africa $10 laptops just so they can get a Facebook account ?
. @pixelparable probably. My daughter just came back from Africa where she was surprised to learn many of the kids had Facebook acts.
@Ginaschreck what a crazy world
@Ginaschreck I am a little confused..were the disciples suppose to spread the good new about Jesus or was it about facebook ? hmmm ? lol
@pixelparable Or was it supposed to be abt Jesus on FB! Heehee–Imagine if FB was avail then! “Lazarus is alive again” 13 LIKES 4 SHARES
@Ginaschreck Jesusbook if u have a photo of Jesus post it if u have a prob share it here did u see Jesus perform a miracle share it ahh
@pixelparable Ha! Quick ..secure that domain.
@Ginaschreck i know
@pelo80 faremo la fine delle locuste
@beantin one billion users cannot be wrong?
@thekax herding sheep?
@beantin yes, much better!
Facebook’s numbers are, as always, quite impressive. It’ll be interesting to see where they go with all of this momentum.
@annedreshfield Or interesting to see how fast it all crashes down (which it will eventually, right?) I remember when everyone was so impressed with how quickly MySpace was growing (and how “massive” it was becoming) and look where it is now.
@AdamBritten Absolutely. It’s fascinating to watch such big sites crumble.
@jasonpromotesu @http_web Thanks for the recent RT’s much appreciated.
@VieT_Ly ; oui mais il y a des comptes fakes, et des gens qui ont en pleins.
@davepeck do they also count the dead or those who created an account but never used it?
@quietrevolution users or accounts
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