Google has a healthy obsession with speed. Two years ago they released the Page Speed browser extension, and earlier this year they introduced the Page Speed Online API. Now Google have released another addition to the Page Speed family: Page Speed Service.
Page Speed Service is a cloud-based service that automatically speeds-up webpage loading times. It works by allowing webmasters to specify that their site be fetched through Google’s super-fast servers. Along the way Google applies performance related best practices, like compressing CSS and images, allowing the webpage to be loaded a whole lot faster by the end user.
In tests Google say the service can speed any website up by 25-60%. They’ve even created a page where webmasters can measure their site’s improved performance potential first before signing up.
Page Speed Service is available free to a limited number of webmasters, and will eventually be made available to everyone as a “competitively” priced paid service.
Webmasters can register their interest by filling out this form.