Usually start-up pitches are weeks if not months in the making, but not this one. Entrepreneur turned investor Niall Harbison is inviting start-ups to pitch their ideas in 140 characters or less for the chance to secure vital initial funding.
Niall is co-founder of Simply Zesty, an Irish social media agency that was recently acquired by Belfast-based UTV Media. Now he hopes to “give a little back” by investing €10,000 each in two businesses based in Ireland through a start-up competition that embraces social media.
In 2009, Niall and co-founder Lauren Fisher bootstrapped Simply Zesty with less than €10,000 of their own finance into a company that now employs 22 people and has clients across Europe. He hopes that perhaps other start-ups will experience similar success with a little backing.
Start-ups have two options to enter the competition; via Twitter or by commenting on this blog post. It closes on Monday, June 18 and both winners will be announced the following day.
We put some of our own questions to Niall earlier tonight and here’s what he had to say.
Q. Why have you created the start-up competition and what do you hope to achieve?
“I really want to make a difference in Ireland. There’s so much needless negative buzz in this country and I know there are amazing people out there with amazing ideas who are screaming out for help through funding. I just hope that the competition can get more people working.”
Q. How important are start-ups to the Irish economy?
“Some people obsess over multinational investment in Ireland from the likes of Facebook and Google, but the Irish economy will be saved by getting those living in Ireland back to work in Irish jobs”
Q. The competition is quite informal as participants can enter by a simple tweet or website comment. Why have you chosen to remove most of the normal formalities found in traditional business?
“I wanted it to be more Y Combinator than bank application. You don’t need a suit to be good at business in Ireland. We need to lose that myth. Also, Twitter is a great way of getting the absolute best out of people. You can’t waffle. You can fit links in tweets to videos or presentations but it’s best to keep these short. Passion is the key and hopefully I can see this through social media. People make businesses not nice slides.”
I think this is a really, really fantastic idea. I’m surprised someone in the Silicon Valley didn’t come up with this sooner, honestly! Though perhaps they’re so mired in the “right way” of acquiring funding that this would just be too informal for them. I can’t wait to head over to their blog post and read all of the pitches! It’ll be interesting to see where this goes.
I think this is a really, really fantastic idea. I’m surprised someone in the Silicon Valley didn’t come up with this sooner, honestly! Though perhaps they’re so mired in the “right way” of acquiring funding that this would just be too informal for them. I can’t wait to head over to their blog post and read all of the pitches! It’ll be interesting to see where this goes.
Hi there, this is wonderful, I hope you will consider my start up business Funky Goddess. How do I enter? Am on twitter @funkygoddessirl
Hi there, this is wonderful, I hope you will consider my start up business Funky Goddess. How do I enter? Am on twitter @funkygoddessirl
@funkygoddessirl Just include the hashtag #20000yoyos along with your killer idea in a tweet
@darrenmccarra Hi there, I just put the link on twitter, know it lessens my chances but you will get more hits at least…just tell everyone about me please lol xxx
Hi there, this is wonderful, I hope you will consider my start up business Funky Goddess. How do I enter? Am on twitter @funkygoddessirl
@funkygoddessirl Just include the hashtag #20000yoyos along with your killer idea in a tweet
@darrenmccarra Hi there, I just put the link on twitter, know it lessens my chances but you will get more hits at least…just tell everyone about me please lol xxx
Love what you are doing, please check out #irishbizparty on Wednesday from 10 till 12 I started it last wednesday as I was sick of the negativity too so please pop by and say Hi, you can promote this too if you like? it is a great positive way to get irish businesses helping each other a bit like what you are doing. I am a Mum of two and separated so finance has been a real challenge (can think of other words for it) but I have brought the concept to market, now I just need a bit of help!! Thanks and might see you on Wednesday on twitter xx
Love what you are doing, please check out #irishbizparty on Wednesday from 10 till 12 I started it last wednesday as I was sick of the negativity too so please pop by and say Hi, you can promote this too if you like? it is a great positive way to get irish businesses helping each other a bit like what you are doing. I am a Mum of two and separated so finance has been a real challenge (can think of other words for it) but I have brought the concept to market, now I just need a bit of help!! Thanks and might see you on Wednesday on twitter xx