Update: Skype for iPad is now available for download in the App Store.
Earlier today Skype launched their official iPad app only to pull it from the App Store hours later. Skype rather dubiously explained via Twitter that the iPad app had simply gone live “prematurely”.
The tweet read,
To ensure your best Skype experience, we’ve temporarily removed Skype for iPad which went live prematurely today.
— Skype (@Skype) August 2, 2011
The iPad app brings all the features you’d expect from Skype, although isn’t universal app and unfortunately exists independent of the current iPhone app. Users can make voice and video calls, chat and use their Skype credits all in a tablet optimised interface. The app’s features work on both the iPad 1 and iPad 2 where technology allows (obviously video cannot be sent from the first generation iPad but can be received).
Skype for iPad works on iOS 4.0 or above, on both Wi-Fi and 3G networks. Describing the app as being released “prematurely” in all likelihood means Skype discovered a bug very late and want to fix this before mass release. It’s possible that the app may become available again later this week.
WTH, dont they think before doing such a thing?
WTH, dont they think before doing such a thing?