Ever since Apple introduced the original iPad in January 2010, the burning question on all of our minds was whether it could survive a fall from space (right?) – in this case 100,000 feet. The answer is yes, apparently.

Of course, this was only made possible by involving a super-sturdy case made by US-based company G-Form. The product in question is known as the G-Form Extreme Edge, and although it’s a little bulky for our liking, can be purchased for the moderate fee of $44.95.

This video is part of a series of extreme product demos, including one where an iPad is tossed from a speeding car and another where an iPad is launched from a slingshot.

17 thoughts on “iPad falls from space, and survives

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  2. I guess that you want an iPad 2, as I wanted, and I want to announce that I have found a method by which you will receive a free ipad2. All you have to do to enjoy this super gadget is to fill in your real data. Just so. You do not have to give bank account or credit card data,only your personal information, and soon you will receive a free ipad2. All you have to do is to go on free-us-ipad.com and fill the form with your data in order to get a free ipad2. It is that simple? don`t believe me? what do you have to lose? Just fill in your real data and soon you will enjoy your free ipad2.I’m telling you this because I have nothing to lose,I just want to help others. Think about it, you can lose max 2 minutes, but think what you can win, so what do you say, does it worth?

  3. @IreEnterprise At home, we put an iPod into the washing machine once, dried it out well, and it’s working perfectly. #NotRecommended

  4. @IreEnterprise At home, we put an iPod into the washing machine once, dried it out well, and it’s working perfectly. #NotRecommended

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